Chinese Medicine and Spring
Spring has arrived and with it we can feel the change of seasonal energy. The days are getting longer and the sun is getting warmer, thank goodness! According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), spring is a time of upward and expansive movement of energy, of creativity, of planning and change. Nature expresses this in the new growth in the garden, the buds and blossoms on the trees and the first blooms of spring.

The Link Between Gut & Sleep
It’s well established how important a good night of sleep is for our overall physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. I’m sure you’ve experienced the brain fog, fatigue and lack of concentration that follows a night of restless sleep.
The microbial cells in our digestive system (also known as the gut microbiome) have a large role in supporting our overall health and wellbeing, as they absorb nutrients from the food we eat, produce immune system molecules, influence metabolism, and produce neurotransmitters and other key molecules for our health. Put simply, the more diverse the microbiome, the better your overall health.

What Is Histamine Intolerance, Could It Be The Cause Of Your Gut Symptoms?
You’ve probably heard of the molecule histamine in relation to allergies and hayfever symptoms. However, histamine serves as more than just a trigger for these conditions. It also functions as a neurotransmitter, playing a role in various bodily processes such as sleep/wake cycles, alertness, arousal, appetite regulation, stress resistance, and anxiety reduction. Additionally, histamine aids in stomach acid production, blood vessel dilation, intestinal muscle contractions, memory, learning, and other vital functions.

The Importance of Preconception Care
If you’re thinking of falling pregnant in the future, the optimal time to start preparing your body is at least 6 months before conception to provide the best health outcomes for both mother and baby. The healthier you are, the healthier all of the cells in your body will be – and this applies to the egg and sperm that will form the basis for your baby’s entire life.

You Are Designed To Heal
Take you mind back to your childhood and remember all the cuts and scrapes you had, possibly even the bones you broke and the childhood illnesses you navigated. There may be the odd scar here that serve as testament to your healing prowess.

A Holistic Perspective on Long COVID
Long COVID is described as COVID related symptoms that last for more than four weeks. Exact figures of who is suffering with long COVID in Australia are not available but researchers at the University of Tasmania estimate up to 300,000 Australians will be dealing with long COVID for at least 3 months this year. They’ll be battling a myriad of symptoms including debilitating fatigue, brain fog, breathlessness, palpitations, cough, joint and or muscle pain, headaches, chest pain, anxiety and depression.

Blackberry Flower Essence
Oh, how I love Blackberry Flower Essence. This beautiful flower essence is all about staying focused on your goals, manifesting with ease and purpose. The plant is highly energetic and invasive often spreading itself through gardens, deepening its roots firmly into the ground.

Are You A Stress Head?

Manage Your Pain With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Flower Essence Therapy

Why Are My Pains Or Injuries Always On The Same Side of My Body?

The Path To Peace



What to do when you worry


Pain Relief with Bowen Therapy

Labour and Birth Preparation

A Cure For Rheumatoid Arthritis

A Trauma Informed Take on ‘Intuitive Eating’
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