We can help.
If you’ve been trying to fall pregnant without success you are not alone, around one in 6 couples in Australia need help to get pregnant. Fortunately for many, there is often a simple and easy solution.
Restoring the Balance
Excellent health and wellbeing is the key to natural and easy conception. For many the combined effects of busy lifestyles, chronic stress and poor nutrition have had the result of reducing our fertility levels.
Thankfully, with the right support and simple lifestyle changes our bodies are remarkably good at bouncing back and doing what they are designed to do naturally – making babies.
Natural approaches to fertility focus on regulating hormones, ovulation and the menstrual cycle and producing better quality sperm. Natural therapies take the whole picture into account and work on supporting your body, mind and emotions.
Our approach is to understand your particular needs and then create a tailored treatment program using one or a combination of the modalities we have available at Live Well which may include herbal medicine, acupuncture, naturopathy, or kinesiology.
Natural fertility support works by:
Balancing a woman’s hormonal cycle
Improving the quality of a woman’s fertile mucus
Regulating ovulation
Promoting an efficient menstrual bleed
Improving men's sperm quality
Promoting embryo implantation and viable pregnancy
Known and unknown causes
Natural fertility can offer solutions for couples faced with a diagnosis of infertility where there is no known cause, or where there has been a diagnosis such as PCOS, endometriosis or ovulation problems.
Stand alone or teamwork approach
Natural medicine can be used as a sole treatment or used in conjunction with western medical or other fertility treatment. We are happy to work with your fertility Specialist or anyone else on your support team. In fact, for chronic or complex issues a collaborative approach is often the way to achieve the best outcomes.
Australian Fertility Summit
The first Australian Fertility Summit was held on Saturday 20th July 2024 and we expect it will become a yearly event. Live Well staff are planning to attend each year and we’d love to see you at the next one!
To stay connected and hear about the 2025 summit date, see the summit’s website, facebook page and instagram page
Come and be part of a day filled with empowerment, education, and support as we come together to break the stigma surrounding fertility.
Whether you're trying to conceive or just interested in learning about all things fertility, this summit is for you.
Live Well offers a range of natural therapies that can be used to support fertility, including:
Learn more about Natural Fertility by clicking on the links below:
To get started make an appointment to see one of our natural fertility specialists today.
Is Your Diet Helping or Harming?
DOWNLOAD OUR FREE FOODS FOR FERTILITY EBOOK: and find recipes to boost your fertility.
Simply enter your details below to download the report.