Why People Choose To Work With Us At Live Well
Because you want something that really works
You understand that the symptoms you are experiencing are messages from your body telling you that something’s not right.
The last thing you want to do is just suppress them. That would be like cutting the wiring to the warning light thats flickering on the dashboard of your car.
You don’t just want temporary relief. You want a lasting solution.
Because you trust your body’s ability to heal itself
Your body can and will heal itself when it’s given the right support.
Holistic treatments are so effective because, rather than simply suppress unwanted symptoms, they restore your body’s ability to return itself to a state of balance.
Because you want experience and professionalism
It takes years to become expert at utilising natural therapies and we understand it’s no small thing to put your trust in any health professional to be able to help you.
At Live Well we have a collective of practitioners with a wealth of experience and a genuine passion for helping people and we work as a team to ensure you have the most appropriate support possible.
Because we have the best range of wellness modalities under one roof
We’ve got the core complementary medicine modalities like naturopathy, holistic GP, acupuncture, kinesiology, counselling, trauma and chronic pain therapy, reiki, flower essence therapy and osteopathy covered and well as a range delightful relaxing or remedial massage treatments.
It’s the reason why we’ve won multiple industry awards and continue be the leaders in Canberra’s natural wellness scene.