What Are Flower Essences?

I don’t know about you but flowers always make me smile no matter how I am feeling at the time. Their fragrances are divine and intoxicating, their presence in the home shifts the energy making everything feel more calm, balanced and beautiful. Flowers just make everything more peaceful.

Did you know there is another way in which you can invite flowers into your everyday? We have known for thousands of years that flowers hold a deeper wisdom that they so lovingly want to share with us. Healers, medical physicians, indigenous people across many cultures would collect the dew drops from flowers first thing in the morning and give to their patients.

Flower Essences are the bioenergetic imprint of the flowers that is then transferred to water (Mother Nature’s recording device) through solar or lunar infusion. There is no physical part of the flower used, only the healing energy. Each flower has its own unique energetic healing qualities, infusing you with healing properties that support you in a subtle, yet powerful way.

How They Work?
All living things are energy. Flower essences work on a vibrational healing level, entering into the meridians, or energy channels to create more balance. They can be taken internally or externally, are extremely safe to use and can be used by anyone, including children and animals. Flower essences work beautifully alongside other natural healing modalities. Taking them consistently is very important. Think of them as your plant guide/bestie always by your side supporting you on your life’s journey.

What happens when you take Flower Essences?
Where do I begin. You can feel a sense of calm, and ease within your body and mind. It might actually be a little hard to articulate this at first but you can feel a difference. The everyday stresses in your life don’t feel as overwhelming to you, you don’t worry as much. You can feel lighter, a sense of calmness, balance, and seeing the joy and beauty that exists around you with more clarity. Depending on the level of imbalances flower essences can have an immediate effect, and other times there will be a gentle unfolding of transformations over days and weeks.

How can Flower Essences help you?

• Clearing energy that is not yours making you feel more like yourself.

• Become more present

• Help address your fears, become more confident

• Amplifies more joy, calm and peace in your everyday.

• Reducing stress by quietening the mind chatter which releases tension and built-up energy.

• Better sleep.

• Be open to and embrace changes in our lives.

• Amplifies our strengths and unveiling hidden talents. Love all parts of yourself, seeing yourself in new ways.

• To clear self-limiting patterns, deep seated beliefs clearing the way for you to bloom into who you are meant to be.

• Bring calm, balance and harmony in mind, body and soul.

• Enhances your self-care rituals, such as walking in nature, journaling, yoga practices and meditation.

In-person 60-minute Flower Essence Consultation:

This consult is about creating space just for you. An invitation for you to take that much needed deep breath and exhale. Welcoming a sense of calm, connection and presence into your day. It’s an opportunity to learn, connect and welcome flower essences into your everyday. Weaving my life and health coaching experience I support and guide you in taking inspired action towards how you want to feel. We talk all things flowers, nature and how flower essences can invite a deeper connection with your intuition, expanding your awareness, inviting joy, balance and harmony into your world. Together we will create a sacred space where you will feel safe and listened to. I will create a personalised flower essence blend based on what we have discussed and discovered during our session. I will also check in with a follow up email to see how you are feeling.

Investment: $100 (includes personalised flower essence blend)

Return Consult:

Yay!! You are loving the flower essence blend I made for you in the initial consultation and ready to work with more flower essences. In this 30-to-45-minute consult we talk about how you have been feeling, the shifts you have felt, aha moments and what you have been loving about your flower essences. You feel open to exploring your flower essences journey even further.

Investment: $55 (includes personalised flower essence blend)

I look forward to working with you.

With love

Tracy xx




Healing From The Long Shadow Of Religious And Cultural Conditioning