Befriending yourself - The self-support and validation system for emotional attunement

How To Manage Emotionally Immature Family Members at Christmas Time

Managing Christmas Stress

Acupuncture For Birth Preparation

Attachment or Authenticity; which would you choose?
As we stand as adults, attempting to do this ‘adulting thing’, you may wonder why sometimes you just don’t feel much like an adult. It’s strange to think that, once, we were the child whose main concern was when we’d next be hanging out with our friends or, were the lyrics to the Eurythmics’ song really “sweet dreams are made of cheese”? The echoes of such thoughts and feelings are still relevant now during adulting, though somewhere along the line you learnt to sing the correct lyric despite every ounce of your vocal cellular memory desperately holding onto the word cheese.
This is exactly my point, though. No, not cheese—the memories our bodies hold and the connection the body has with the mind, emotions and the environment we were raised in which includes homelife and your wider community.

Stress: Look Deeper, See Further
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