Holistic Help for Fibromyalgia
Lately we’ve been seeing a wave of clients coming in with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. In case you’ve never heard of it, it’s a devastating condition characterized by chronic muscle and joint pain in multiple areas in the body. If you google fibromyalgia

What Do You Do For Fun?
Am I imagining it, or did we have an easier, more natural relationship with fun in years past? Cast your mind back to the pre-pandemic days and, as you remember those simpler times, can you feel the tension lifting across your shoulders and the corners of your mouth curling upwards into a carefree smile? Admittedly, I have no research data to back me up, however I suspect there’s a collective need to reboot the fun centers in our brains. Are you with me?

Manage Your Pain With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) considers pain to be caused by the lack of free flow of qi and/or blood. To put it simply, when the qi and blood move freely, there is no pain. Unfortunately, the flow of qi and blood can become inhibited at any and every area of the body. The internal organs, joints and ligaments, muscles can all be affected by qi and blood stagnation. What causes the stagnation?

A Holistic Perspective on Long COVID
Long COVID is described as COVID related symptoms that last for more than four weeks. Exact figures of who is suffering with long COVID in Australia are not available but researchers at the University of Tasmania estimate up to 300,000 Australians will be dealing with long COVID for at least 3 months this year. They’ll be battling a myriad of symptoms including debilitating fatigue, brain fog, breathlessness, palpitations, cough, joint and or muscle pain, headaches, chest pain, anxiety and depression.

Why the skin is an extension of the brain.
We cannot change anything unless we are aware that something needs changing! If you do not know you are doing something, how do you know you may need to change that action/thought/behaviour?
If something is not working in your life then that can be a first sign that change is required, or at least something needs to be brought into your awareness?

What if pain was our Friend?
Research has shown that there are no pain receptors in the body only receptors/nociceptors that detect unpleasant stimuli. The unpleasant impulses get sent to the brain areas for processing and it is the brain that determines if you will feel pain or if you do not. The amount of pain we feel is always real to us – I am NOT suggesting it is imagined in any way – but the intensity of pain experienced is NOT dependent upon the amount of damage or problems in the body’s structures. There are countless stories of people who have had no pain when they have suffered a severe injury or conversely people who have experienced horrendous pain with no known cause. There is the famous story of the man who shot a nail through his foot and was brought to hospital in agony only for the hospital staff to remove his boot to discover the nail had gone between his toes. Lorimer Moseley a leading pain researcher has written an interesting book about it called, ‘Painful Yarns: Metaphors & Stories to Help Understand the Biology of Pain.’
Pain has also shown to be influenced by the context it is viewed in

Are You A Stress Head?

Manage Your Pain With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Flower Essence Therapy





Labour and Birth Preparation

A Cure For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Stress: Look Deeper, See Further

How to Live Seasonally for Winter Health

Immune Boosting Essentials

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