Are You a Ferrari or a Corolla?

Not Sure What To Do? Use Your Brain!
When it comes to healthcare, we are lucky to have a wealth of information and options at our fingertips. If you prefer to be an active participant in your health, one of the best ways is to ask your healthcare practitioners for more information.

What Do You Do For Fun?
Am I imagining it, or did we have an easier, more natural relationship with fun in years past? Cast your mind back to the pre-pandemic days and, as you remember those simpler times, can you feel the tension lifting across your shoulders and the corners of your mouth curling upwards into a carefree smile? Admittedly, I have no research data to back me up, however I suspect there’s a collective need to reboot the fun centers in our brains. Are you with me?

Why the skin is an extension of the brain.
We cannot change anything unless we are aware that something needs changing! If you do not know you are doing something, how do you know you may need to change that action/thought/behaviour?
If something is not working in your life then that can be a first sign that change is required, or at least something needs to be brought into your awareness?

Manage Your Pain With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Unpopular Opinion: Just Changing Our ‘Thinking’ Will Never Give Us The Lasting Healing We’re Searching For

Coronavirus: Prevention and Resilience


Live Well Winter Wellness Tips


Nervous System Overload

Boost Your Fertility Naturally with Femoral Massage

A Naturopathic Perspective on Insomnia

Follow Your Bliss

Thai Yoga Massage
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