Reiki - Energy Healing

When it comes to our wellness journey, we do things like eat healthy, move our bodies, have a massage and meditate just to name a few. While all of these are absolutely wonderful and nourishing for us. We can often miss the one thing I believe we have ignored and become disconnected to for a long time. Healing our energy. We are energy, we are nature and in order for us to be all we can be here in this life time. Our energy needs to be nurtured, loved and supported.

This is where Reiki can be a beautiful safe and gentle energy healing modality to weave into your wellness toolkit.

Our energy is always speaking to us, and Reiki invites us to pause, quieten the mind, deeply relax and listen to what our body is needing. Reiki creates a ripple effect of healing on all levels, promoting the emotional, physically, mental, and spiritual bodies to work together creating harming and balance.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a beautiful natural hands-on energy healing modality originating in Japan. Reiki means spiritually guided life-force energy. The principle behind Reiki is that everything in our known universe is made up of energy including the human body and auric field. This life force energy known as KI flows through and around our bodies.

When the KI flow becomes low or is blocked, then we are more likely to become sick or feel stressed. And when the KI flows easily and freely, we are more likely to feel healthier, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

A Reiki practitioner has been attuned by a Reiki master, and acts as a channel for this universal life force energy and is intuitively guided using their hands to help create energetic alignment within the body and energy centres.

What happens in a Reiki session?

After we have had a quick chat to get to know each other and how I can best support you during your session. You lay down on a massage table fully clothed, and get nice a comfy. I ask permission to spray flower essences above you ( I love flower essences and they combine beautifully with Reiki) and to commence the treatment. The treatment involves me lay my hands gently on or within 5-10 centimetres of your body.

During the treatment you may feel various sensations like heat or cold, a flowing feeling in certain areas of your body, you may feel emotional, tummy might start to growl, muscles twitches, or you may fall asleep. Most people find the Reiki session nourishing, deeply relaxing inviting their mind and body to surrender to stillness and rest. This deep state of relaxation activates the parasympathetic nervous system allowing the body to tune into its natural ability to heal, repair and rest.

What are some of the benefits you may experience?

  • Reduce stress & anxiety

  • Reduce overwhelm

  • Feel more present

  • Find balance within your energy centres

  • Feel grounded in your physical body

  • Release unwanted emotional energy.

  • Reconnect with your intuition, inspiration and creativity.

  • Feel more relaxed and calm.

Reiki works beautifully in conjunction with other complimentary and therapeutic modalities and can be extremely supportive during stressful and emotionally challenging times.

I am extremely excited to offer this immensely healing and nourishing modality to you and I look forward to seeing you in clinic.

With love and energy

Tracy xx

Learn more about reiki and book online


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