Have the Winter Blues? These Flower Essences can help you.

We are very fortunate here in Canberra to see the sun and some blue skies during the winter season, even though it can get very cold.

However, we can still find ourselves feeling less energetic, our mood shifts and we just feel generally run down.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can affect us during this time and in fact affects up to 10% of the population during winter and symptoms include lack of energy, irritable, poor self esteem, overeating, loss of libido and oversleeping.

Flower Essences are a beautiful natural way to bring support, light, energy and joy into your winter season.

Here are just a few of my favourites:

St John’s Wort- I like to think of this flower essence as the light flower. With the lack of sunlight in the winter months, this essence helps to activate your inner light and for it to move through your body. It also is wonderful to help with restless sleep and depression just to name a few.

Borage- This flower essence is a wonderful heart healer and helps to lift a heavy heart including the feeling of heaviness throughout the entire body. Helps to increase optimism, uplifting your energy, inviting a sense of calm and balance into your world.

Indian Paintbrush- During the winter months we can feel a lack of creative energy. I love to use this beautiful flower essence to ignite our creativity energy and enthusiasm. It helps us to listen and tune into our own unique qualities with confidence, clarity and trusting our intuition.

Buttercup- I love Buttercup flower essence for it’s ability to guide you in finding time for yourself and to increase your self confidence, joy and uplifts you. It’s a gentle reminder to not take life too seriously.

If you would like to learn more about Flower Essences and how they can become part of your wellness tool kit why not book a Flower Essence Therapy consult with me. I am available every 1st and last Saturday of the month, click here to book.

It would be my pleasure to introduce you to the world of flower essences.

With love

Tracy xx


But Why?? Why do my pains keep coming back? Why do I have chronic illness & persistent pain?


Blackberry Flower Essence