The Complicated Case Of ‘H’. When undigested trauma, repetition compulsion, privilege, capitalism & internalised oppression intersect.
If you come from a complicated family with strict expectations and rules, have ever experienced divorce, family rupture, the grief of losing a parent or are a veteran, chances are you might have more in common with Prince Harry than you think!
In this Coronation week long read (10-15 mins) I'll walk you through a somatic trauma therapist’s-eye view designed to give you some insight into what might be informing some of what we’ve seen unfold in a very public way in the House of Sussex. I hope you enjoy it!
I have a confession to make: I’m a compulsive news scroller. It’s a problem!
Even though I gave up social media for a few weeks over the Xmas break, I couldn’t break my addiction to the soothingly dissociative effects of spiralling down the rabbit hole of the 24-hour news cycle.

Unpopular Opinion: Just Changing Our ‘Thinking’ Will Never Give Us The Lasting Healing We’re Searching For

A Trauma Informed Take on ‘Intuitive Eating’
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