You’ve tried Physiotherapy. But have you worked with a Holistic Physiotherapist?
I am a physiotherapist with over 30 years of experience. My work and techniques are constantly evolving, as I hope I am also personally always changing and evolving. Our physical form and state of health is dependent on our being in balance physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. What happens to us changes what happens within us. Physical symptoms can be blocks from unprocessed/unresolved energies from mental, emotional or spiritual origin.

Why the skin is an extension of the brain.
We cannot change anything unless we are aware that something needs changing! If you do not know you are doing something, how do you know you may need to change that action/thought/behaviour?
If something is not working in your life then that can be a first sign that change is required, or at least something needs to be brought into your awareness?

Why Are My Pains Or Injuries Always On The Same Side of My Body?
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