What Is Histamine Intolerance, Could It Be The Cause Of Your Gut Symptoms?
Gut Health Emily May Gut Health Emily May

What Is Histamine Intolerance, Could It Be The Cause Of Your Gut Symptoms?

You’ve probably heard of the molecule histamine in relation to allergies and hayfever symptoms. However, histamine serves as more than just a trigger for these conditions. It also functions as a neurotransmitter, playing a role in various bodily processes such as sleep/wake cycles, alertness, arousal, appetite regulation, stress resistance, and anxiety reduction. Additionally, histamine aids in stomach acid production, blood vessel dilation, intestinal muscle contractions, memory, learning, and other vital functions.

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What Does A Naturopath Actually Do?

What Does A Naturopath Actually Do?

Naturopaths are like the general practitioners of natural therapies. They study a four-year Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy to learn how to blend modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine, making them a great starting point to access the world of holistic health care.

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How to Improve Your Gut Health
Naturopathy, Gut Health Emily May Naturopathy, Gut Health Emily May

How to Improve Your Gut Health

Every person has a unique microbiome, which is influenced by diet, lifestyle, home environment, stress, exposure to toxins or chemicals, past medical history and history of medications. The gut has a significant impact on our overall health, and the more diverse your gut microbiome, the better your health will be.

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