You’ve tried Physiotherapy. But have you worked with a Holistic Physiotherapist?
I am a physiotherapist with over 30 years of experience. My work and techniques are constantly evolving, as I hope I am also personally always changing and evolving. Our physical form and state of health is dependent on our being in balance physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. What happens to us changes what happens within us. Physical symptoms can be blocks from unprocessed/unresolved energies from mental, emotional or spiritual origin.

But Why?? Why do my pains keep coming back? Why do I have chronic illness & persistent pain?

Why the skin is an extension of the brain.
We cannot change anything unless we are aware that something needs changing! If you do not know you are doing something, how do you know you may need to change that action/thought/behaviour?
If something is not working in your life then that can be a first sign that change is required, or at least something needs to be brought into your awareness?

What if pain was our Friend?
Research has shown that there are no pain receptors in the body only receptors/nociceptors that detect unpleasant stimuli. The unpleasant impulses get sent to the brain areas for processing and it is the brain that determines if you will feel pain or if you do not. The amount of pain we feel is always real to us – I am NOT suggesting it is imagined in any way – but the intensity of pain experienced is NOT dependent upon the amount of damage or problems in the body’s structures. There are countless stories of people who have had no pain when they have suffered a severe injury or conversely people who have experienced horrendous pain with no known cause. There is the famous story of the man who shot a nail through his foot and was brought to hospital in agony only for the hospital staff to remove his boot to discover the nail had gone between his toes. Lorimer Moseley a leading pain researcher has written an interesting book about it called, ‘Painful Yarns: Metaphors & Stories to Help Understand the Biology of Pain.’
Pain has also shown to be influenced by the context it is viewed in

Are You A Stress Head?

Why Are My Pains Or Injuries Always On The Same Side of My Body?
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