Holistic Help for Fibromyalgia
Wesley Smith Wesley Smith

Holistic Help for Fibromyalgia

Lately we’ve been seeing a wave of clients coming in with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. In case you’ve never heard of it, it’s a devastating condition characterized by chronic muscle and joint pain in multiple areas in the body. If you google fibromyalgia

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Acupuncture Demystified
Wesley Smith Wesley Smith

Acupuncture Demystified

Because acupuncture originated in China, a culture so distinctly different to our own, there is so much that can be ‘lost in translation’. So, let’s clear up some of those key misconceptions.

Acupuncture works on the nerves. True or False?

An acupuncturist’s goal is to restore balance to your vital force (‘chi’ in Chinese). Think of your body as a landscape covered by an interconnected river system. In acupuncture these rivers are called ‘meridians’ and instead of carrying water they carry your vitality. Acupuncture points act like gates controlling the flow of this precious vitality.

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Manage Your Pain With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Manage Your Pain With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) considers pain to be caused by the lack of free flow of qi and/or blood. To put it simply, when the qi and blood move freely, there is no pain. Unfortunately, the flow of qi and blood can become inhibited at any and every area of the body. The internal organs, joints and ligaments, muscles can all be affected by qi and blood stagnation. What causes the stagnation?

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