Holistic Help for Fibromyalgia
Lately we’ve been seeing a wave of clients coming in with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. In case you’ve never heard of it, it’s a devastating condition characterized by chronic muscle and joint pain in multiple areas in the body. If you google fibromyalgia

Aligning With The Retrograde Season
Holy retrogrades Batman! With 7 planets currently or soon to be turning backwards in the sky, you can expect a whole lot of flux in your inner and outer worlds for the next little while!
Wild times call for wilder agility and I'm here to help you return to yourself through the chaos and change.
I've had some of the most breakneck speed changes over the last couple of weeks! From having to pivot my Yoga retreat location to an entirely new country, to it doubling in numbers in the same time frame, to once-in-a-lifetime opportunities landing on my plate, to almost daily cancellations of clients also facing trying times keeping up with these wild and chaotic days.

Not Sure What To Do? Use Your Brain!
When it comes to healthcare, we are lucky to have a wealth of information and options at our fingertips. If you prefer to be an active participant in your health, one of the best ways is to ask your healthcare practitioners for more information.

Never Tried Acupuncture? Here are 10 reasons why you should.
1. Acupuncture promotes a state of relaxation
Do you ever feel there are just not enough hours in the day to meet the demands of work, family, and self-care? Are you operating in a state of chronically high stress? Acupuncture can switch on your body’s relaxation pathways and retrain your body and mind in how to relax.
2. Acupuncture can help improve sleep
Acupuncture treats the root cause of what is causing the insomnia and actually benefits your overall health at the same time as well as restoring restful, reliable sleep patterns.
3. Acupuncture can boost your energy

Navigating grief through the pregnancy loss & infertility journey…
Grieving processes are both cultural and personal processes.
The culture you were raised including your family, society and religion in is likely to have informed the ideas you have about what grief is, if and how it’s acceptable to publicly or privately mourn, if and how if it’s appropriate to support someone grieving and much more. From this cultural soup our own beliefs and behaviours around the process of grieving evolve.

The Complicated Case Of ‘H’. When undigested trauma, repetition compulsion, privilege, capitalism & internalised oppression intersect.
If you come from a complicated family with strict expectations and rules, have ever experienced divorce, family rupture, the grief of losing a parent or are a veteran, chances are you might have more in common with Prince Harry than you think!
In this Coronation week long read (10-15 mins) I'll walk you through a somatic trauma therapist’s-eye view designed to give you some insight into what might be informing some of what we’ve seen unfold in a very public way in the House of Sussex. I hope you enjoy it!
I have a confession to make: I’m a compulsive news scroller. It’s a problem!
Even though I gave up social media for a few weeks over the Xmas break, I couldn’t break my addiction to the soothingly dissociative effects of spiralling down the rabbit hole of the 24-hour news cycle.

What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a holistic health practice focusing on treatment via the structure and function of the body. It was founded in the 1800s by American physician Andrew Taylor Still. Born on the frontiers of European settlement in 1828, Still grew up amongst Indigenous Americans with a Cherokee great grandmother. He trained as a conventional medical doctor and served as a surgeon during the American Civil War but many experiences, including the failure of medicine to save the lives of three of his daughters from spinal meningitis, led to his desire to reform the medicine of his day.
Still took his inspiration from nature as well as indigenous peoples

The Importance of Preconception Care
If you’re thinking of falling pregnant in the future, the optimal time to start preparing your body is at least 6 months before conception to provide the best health outcomes for both mother and baby. The healthier you are, the healthier all of the cells in your body will be – and this applies to the egg and sperm that will form the basis for your baby’s entire life.

Acupuncture Demystified
Because acupuncture originated in China, a culture so distinctly different to our own, there is so much that can be ‘lost in translation’. So, let’s clear up some of those key misconceptions.
Acupuncture works on the nerves. True or False?
An acupuncturist’s goal is to restore balance to your vital force (‘chi’ in Chinese). Think of your body as a landscape covered by an interconnected river system. In acupuncture these rivers are called ‘meridians’ and instead of carrying water they carry your vitality. Acupuncture points act like gates controlling the flow of this precious vitality.

Spring in Canberra is a glorious time, with delicate blossoms and sunny wattle putting on a show, the days lengthening and warming up. Except, of course, if you’re a hayfever sufferer, in which case sneezes, red sniffly noses and teary eyes are the norm. If you’re one of the unlucky 15% or so who suffers from hayfever there are things you can do other than hide in your room, to ease the discomfort.

A Holistic Perspective on Long COVID
Long COVID is described as COVID related symptoms that last for more than four weeks. Exact figures of who is suffering with long COVID in Australia are not available but researchers at the University of Tasmania estimate up to 300,000 Australians will be dealing with long COVID for at least 3 months this year. They’ll be battling a myriad of symptoms including debilitating fatigue, brain fog, breathlessness, palpitations, cough, joint and or muscle pain, headaches, chest pain, anxiety and depression.

But Why?? Why do my pains keep coming back? Why do I have chronic illness & persistent pain?

Why the skin is an extension of the brain.
We cannot change anything unless we are aware that something needs changing! If you do not know you are doing something, how do you know you may need to change that action/thought/behaviour?
If something is not working in your life then that can be a first sign that change is required, or at least something needs to be brought into your awareness?

Manage Your Pain With Traditional Chinese Medicine


Healing From The Long Shadow Of Religious And Cultural Conditioning

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