Navigating grief through the pregnancy loss & infertility journey…

Navigating grief through the pregnancy loss & infertility journey…

Grieving processes are both cultural and personal processes.

The culture you were raised including your family, society and religion in is likely to have informed the ideas you have about what grief is, if and how it’s acceptable to publicly or privately mourn, if and how if it’s appropriate to support someone grieving and much more. From this cultural soup our own beliefs and behaviours around the process of grieving evolve.

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The Importance of Preconception Care
Emily May Emily May

The Importance of Preconception Care

If you’re thinking of falling pregnant in the future, the optimal time to start preparing your body is at least 6 months before conception to provide the best health outcomes for both mother and baby. The healthier you are, the healthier all of the cells in your body will be – and this applies to the egg and sperm that will form the basis for your baby’s entire life.

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