Self-regulation practices for trying times

When the world is quite literally on fire, you’re facing threats outside of your control or you’re overwhelmed with the heaviness of it all, these mindful somatic practices can help you regain connection with your authentic self and access a moment of peace and nervous system regulation:


1 - Coregulation, if the warm and loving embrace of another is available lean into it-and this counts for pets too! As a social species we’re wired to entrain with other nervous systems. Share the love.

2 - If you don’t have another to lean into or on, wrap your arms around yourself, squeeze your upper arms, shoulders, run your hands over your head and let them rest on your chest. Physically connecting with your body can help pull you out of your head.

3 - Consider your breathing, even the practice of turning your awareness towards it can help. If you’re looking to calm your nervous system choose longer exhales, this slows your heart rate.

4 - Actively seek the positive/good - allowing yourself to notice ‘glimmers’, tiny things that light you up can help shift your mental and emotional state towards the positive.

5 - Bilateral eye movements - look as far as you can to the left breathing normally, hold for 5 counts or until you feel yourself take a naturally deeper breath, repeat on the right.

6 - Productively and safely channel your charge, when it feels like you might combust; stomping, yelling into a cushion, lifting weights, boxing or another activity that allows the energy to leave your system in a way that’s safe to you and others can give you back access to your frontal cortex. This gives you the capacity for rational choices so you can direct yourself towards meaningful actions

7 - Allow yourself to grieve. This will look different for everyone but tears create a biochemical change in your body and have an alchemical impact on your emotions. Having the permission to feel will help you heal.


Thoughts and prayers & love and light only go so far but you’ve got everything within you to reclaim yourself and make a positive difference. If you would like to learn more somatic tools for self regulation that can help you break free from depression, end anxiety and deepen your relationships Ramone is here for you!


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