Un-shaming After a Later in Life Neurodiversity Diagnosis

Receiving a later in live neurodiversity diagnosis can radically shake up your self-perception and identity.
One of the many possible emotional responses to a diagnosis is shame.
Shame is limiting as it prevents us from fully accepting ourselves and often leads to suppression of parts of ourselves that we judge or fear others may judge.
Humans need a balance of authenticity and connection to thrive. It might take time to integrate what you’ve newly learned about yourself- especially if it’s at odds with parts of yourself or previously held values and beliefs.
Un-shaming can help clear the path towards authentic acceptance of yourself, leading to deeper connection with others over time.
Simple steps to un-shaming self-perception include:

1) Radical acceptance - accepting what’s factual helps identify where you can effectively engage

2) Meeting yourself where you’re at - goals are great but you’ll only succeed at the pace your nervous system feels safe

3) Practicing compassion - kindness and patience trump force when learning

4) Re-framing beliefs - unlearning is just as vital as new learning!
If you’ve had a later in life neurodiversity diagnosis and would like support to navigate shame or resistance, Ramone offers Navigating Neurodiversity therapy packages of 3, 5 and 10 sessions.

Learn more about Ramone and book online


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