Remedial Massage

Relax...You're in Very Good Hands

Why compromise when you can have it all…

Enjoy an exceptional massage by a highly trained and experienced remedial massage therapist in a beautiful, professional and welcoming setting.

Take some time out to unwind

Remedial massage releases tension, restores muscular balance and postural integrity and leaves you feeling pain free and revitalised. 

Feel Free to Linger

After your treatment take some time to savour your feelings of relaxation and peace whilst you linger in our “bliss out” pods, there’s no need to rush just time and space for you to deeply unwind and recharge.

Talk to our Acupuncturists, Massage therapists or our friendly reception team to know more about our other modalities.


Soft Tissue Therapy

Incorporating remedial massage techniques that work on muscles, fascia or connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and also joints. Soft tissue is a gentle yet deeply effective treatment to release tension and pain and bring your body back into ease. {more}

Remedial Massage

If you're in pain, have an injury, or your posture needs an overhaul, book in for a remedial massage. {more}

Relaxation Massage

If you want to de-stress and relieve tension in your body and mind then treat yourself to a relaxation massage. {more}

Pregnancy Massage

Let our pregnancy massage experts take care of you and your precious bubba in a deeply relaxing and nurturing massage experience. {more}

Bowen Therapy

Bowen is a holistic remedial body technique that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body. Bowen therapy can be used to treat musculoskeletal or related neurological problems including acute sports injuries and chronic or organic conditions. It is gentle and relaxing and does not use forceful manipulation. {more}

Oncology/Light Touch Massage

Oncology massage safely addresses the needs of a cancer patient, with specialised therapists who have completed advanced training, understand the science and pay close attention to the physical, emotional and psychological needs of the client. {more}

Scar Tissue Release Therapy

Scar Tissue Release is an innovative, pain-free, natural method of helping you with your scars. Gentle, fingertip pressure is applied to the area to help free the restriction in the scar. {more}


Meet Our Massage Therapists

Takako Mizogami

Soft Tissue Therapy, Remedial Massage, Pregnancy Massage & Bowen Therapy, Scar Tissue Release Therapy

Takako brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her treatments and has exceptional skills and an intuitive style.

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